Just Call Me Internet
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Player of movies Quick Time (Mac), AVI (PC) images and sound,
and CDH/CDL (Atari).
Maker of MOV (images & sound!)
Maker of AVI (images & sound!)
Maker of Animated-GIF
Maker of FLM (images & sound!)
Converter of AVI/MOV/FLI/FLC/FLH to Extended FLM with sound
TELLO Guillaume
240 rue Estienvrin
49260 Montreuil Bellay
Email: gtello@wanadoo.fr
******* Shareware **********
You can register directly to me:
CAN$15, US$10, 15DM, 60 French Francs (Eurocheques, bank notes
from your country, but not coins!).
UK users, you can register (7UKP or more!) at:
Antony Lacey (algy@allatsea.demon.co.uk)
59 Owenford Road
Coventry CV6 3FQ
North America Users, you can register (US$10 or CAN$15) at:
Nima Montaser Hardware and Software Specialists
Homa Systems House ATARI Graphics and Multimedia
P.O. Box 52127 nima@magmacom.com
Ottawa, ON K1N 5S0 aa414@freenet.carleton.ca
Canada Tel:(613)722-0901 Fax:(613)722-9061
URL: http://www.magmacom.com/~nima
Limitations of the Shareware version:
1) Allows you to create a MOV animation (Quick Time) from a serie
of images listed into a BATCH file and with an optional sound:
- images TGA2 24 or 16 bits -> MOV with RLE16 compression
- images IMG ('ximg', 256 colors) -> MOV with RLE8
- sounds AVR, 8/16 bits, mono/stereo
- sounds WAV, 8/16 bits, mono/stereo
2) Allows you to create an AVI animation (Video for Windows) from
a serie of images listed into a BATCH file and with an optional sound:
- images IMG ('ximg', 256 colors) -> MOV with RLE8
- sounds AVR, 8/16 bits, mono/stereo
- sounds WAV, 8/16 bits, mono/stereo
3) Allows you to create an animated GIF89a from a serie of GIF
images only listed into a BATCH file:
- extension M_PLAYER for the number of frames
- extension DELAY for the timing infos
- extension NETSCAPE for looping
4) Allows you to create an Extended FLM animation from a serie of
ST-Low images listed into a batch file and an optional sound:
- images DEGAS PI1 (320x200x16)
- images NEO (320x200x16)
- AVR/WAV sound (DMA frequencies +/-2% 8 bits mono/stereo)
5) Allows you to convert any supported MOV/AVI with sound or any
FLI/FLC/FLH into a new FLM format with sound to get a high speed display:
- FLI/FLC/FLH converted to FLM with their original synchro
- MOV/AVI converted to FLM with their synchro + sound
- images are ST Low or ST High according to the current
monitor used.
6) Can replay 12 types of animations:
- *.MOV (Quick Time)
- images compressions:
CVID (compressed yuv)
RLE1, RLE2 (grey and col), RLE4 (grey and col),
RLE8 (grey and col), RLE16, RLE24, RLE32
SMC8 (grey and col)
RAW1, RAW2 (grey and col), RAW4 (grey and col),
RAW8 (grey and col), RAW16, RAW24, RAW32
RPZA (15 bits)
WRLE (256 colors)
MSVC8 (grey and col), MSVC16
YUV2, YUV9, YVU9 (uncompressed yuv)
- sound mono/stereo, 8/16 bits, TWOS or RAW format
- synchronisation image/sound ON or OFF
- sound ON or OFF
- *.AVI (Video for Windows)
- images compressions:
(no IV32, you must pay Intel $5000 to get the
licence. The less we use it, the best!)
- sound mono/stereo, 8/16 bits
- synchronisation image/sound ON or OFF
- sound ON or OFF
- *.FLI/FLC/FLH (Autodesk Animator)
- *.SEQ (Cyber Paint) Not in monochrome
- *.PI1 + *.DLT (Cyber) Not in monochrome
- *.FLM (Kinetic Microsystems) Not in monochrome
- *.FLM (Lexicor)
- *.DL (types 1 and 2)
- images only
- speed ORIGINAL or MAXI
- loops (shift key)
(for PI1 + DLT, you must clic on the PI1 file, the DLT
file must be into the same folder with the same name, for
example: c:\ESSAI.PI1 and c:\ESSAI.DLT)
- *.FLM (Extended FLM Lexicor)
- images 320x200x16, 640x480x16 or 640x400x2
- sound DMA 8 bits mono/stereo at 12017, 25033 or 50066 KHz
- independent timing for each frame
- *.FLM (Video Master V1.0) Not in monochrome
- images 160x100x16 (VMAS)
- sound 8 bits, mono, any frequency
- *.GIF (Compuserve, 87a et 89a)
- synchro ON or OFF with delays (version GIF89a)
- the number of frames isn't displayed if the animation
doesn't contain the M_PLAYER extension.
- *.CDH/*.CDL (CD Stratos) Not in monochrome
- images mono (CDH) fitting into 640x400
- images 16 greys (CDL) fitting into 320x200
- DMA sound 8 bits mono 12516Hz
- *.BAT (Batch Files for slideshow or movie creation):
- very simple language to display a serie of images (with
nested loops)
- supported formats:
TGA2 uncompressed (your POV creations!)
IMG ('XIMG' and 256 colors)
GIF (87a or 89a, 256 colors maxi)
PI1 (Degas 320x200x16)
NEO (Neochrome 320x200x16)
Hardware required:
- STF/Mega STF: Yamaha PSG used for the sound...
- STE/Mega STE: DMA sound!
- TT without graphic card: DMA sound
- Falcon in ST Low or High: DMA sound
- PC + PaCifiST (GREAT ST Emulator)
(For TT and Falcon, M_PLAYER.PRG is better than MP_STE.PRG because
it is written for the 68030 and it can display up to 65536 colors).
Supported sound systems:
- Yamaha PSG (every ST)
- DMA sound (TT, STE, Mega STE)
- Sound Cards:
* ST Replay 16
* ST Replay 8
* MV 16
(see at Ý 'Sound system selection')
MP_STE supports both color or monochrome display.
--- Color Display ---
Every animation is displayed in ST Low mode using 16 grey levels if
the animation has more than 16 colors (256, 32768, 65536, 16 millions) or
16 colors for the others (SEQ, FLM, DLT, MOV-RAW4,RLE4).
An optional mode is present to reduce the palette of the animations
with 256 colors, then you'll get a COLOR DISPLAY! See at Ý 'Palette
reduction' (option not available in the demo version).
The program switches automatically to ST Low, thus it can be run
in ST Medium on a ST(E) or in any resolution on a TT.
--- Monochrome Display ---
Every animation with at least 256 colors is displayed en ST High
using a fast dithering. Those with less than 256 colors, except FLM in ST
High, are not currently supported.
A ST(E) with 1Mb can be enough for many little animations, but you
should know that, when there is a sound, it is loaded entierely before the
animation is displayed (faster then, cause only the images are treated
while playing). So, with those kind of animations 2Mb or 4Mb seem to be
Floppies can be enough, but once again, the images are loaded one
by one (to save memory) while playing, and so, using floppies will slow
down the animation. A Hard drive is highly recommended (Or use a
The files
MP_STE.PRG/ACC ; the program
MP_STE.RSC ; its interface (into the same folder!)
MP_STE.ENG ; you're reading me
HISTORIC.TXT ; programmer's daily
SLIDSHOW.ENG ; doc for BATCH files, MOV-Maker, GIF-Maker
COMMANDS.ENG ; options of the command line (en mode TTP)
FORMATS.ENG ; my extensions for FLM, GIF and ACC message
How to select the animation
MP_STE can be lauched as a PRG but also as an accessory, you just
have to rename it as MP_STE.ACC and copy it (with its RSC) into the
root directory of the boot drive.
It can also be run as a TTP or GTP with a command line containing
options (see COMMANDS.ENG).
The file name can contain '*' and '?' (wildcards) to replay
several animations from the same directory.
Infos into the first dialog box
It indicates the filename, the size of the animation (or 'No
graphics found') and the number of frames included (most of the GIFs
haven't this information stored if they have not the M_PLAYER extension).
It gives the sound parameters (or 'No sound').
Graphics and sounds can be 'Supported' (known by MP_STE) or
'Unsupported' (unknown, so they won't be replayed). This is also
Settings into this box
For AVI/MOV/GIF/Extended FLM you get:
[] Play Sound
[] Synchronise
that allow you to replay the sound or not and to synchronise the
images with the timings included into the file.
On slower machines, synchronisation leads to skip some frames to
'follow' the original timings. With 8Mhz, it is sometimes better to set
OFF the synchronisation (longer display, but not jerky). This is no longer
true with the Extended FLM whose format is adaptated to the Atari display,
so you get a very good quality of animation.
For the other animations you get two radio-buttons:
[] max speed
[] xxx frames/sec
Max speed allows you to replay every frame without timing
consideration, the other button allows you to limit the speed to its
original value (the one contained into the file). If the machine is slow,
both options lead to the same display.
Replay the animation
With the 'Go!' button, you start the animation with the settings
you specified.
If the button is named '(Alt) Go!', it means that a second option
is available if you press 'Alt' while clicking:
BATCH Files:
- instead of a slideshow, you create a MOV, AVI, FLM or a GIF file.
- instead of the animation, you get a conversion of your file into
the Extended FLM format ('Play sound' adds or not the sound into
the FLM, 'Synchronise' or 'xxx frames/sec' copies the original
timing infos into the FLM).
End of the animation
AVI/MOV: Control stops the animation, else ends at the end...
GIF: Control stops the animation, Shift stops a looping file at
the end of the current loop, Shift loops on a non-looping file
Others: Control stops the animation, Shift makes it loop
Infos in the second dialog box
These are some statistics:
* Total frames: number of frames into the file
* Frames displayed: number of frames actually displayed (100%
without synchro, 100 or less with synchro if frames have been
* Total time: number of seconds that the animation lasted
* Average: number of frames per second
Sound System selection
To go to the sound systems list, you must 'Shift'+Clic on the
'Info... / ^ Sound' button or 'Shift'+Clic on the Information dialog
Then, you clic on the sound system you've got!
If one of them appears not to be present (DMA according to the
cookie for example) it will be displayed in grey, and so, disabled.
If you want your sound system being the default one, clic on
'Save and Exit', this will update the RSC file for you.
The best sound system is the DMA (0% of machine time!), then there
are the sound cards (26% with ST Replay 16 and a STE 8MHz), then comes the
Yamaha PSG (36% of machine time).
How was it programmed?
It has been entierely programmed in ASM 68000 using ASSEMBLE
(Brainstorm). This program is an adaptation of M_PLAYER that is a 68030
version for TT and Falcon (256c to True Color).
Limits of MP_STE
The frequencies of the sounds
The files from the MAC or PC have often frequencies close to
11025Hz, 22050Hz et 44100Hz (I accept +/- 2%). The DMA on the Atari knows
12517Hz, 25033Hz et 50066Hz. Each time I load a sound I convert it from PC
frequencies to DMA frequencies (each 8th sample, I add a 9th value, and
the correspondance 8 to 9 gives a very fast and good conversion).
If there is no DMA system, the sound is always played at 9600Hz
using hardware interruptions (Timer A) using the correspondance 8 to 7) and
always in mono.
If the sound is not played (also it was 'Supported'), it means that
you haven't enough memory. Try to select the Yamaha PSG instead of the
DMA sound, because:
DMA: 1 second 8 bits stereo 25033Hz = 50066 bytes
PSG: 1 second 8 bits mono at 9600Hz = 9600 bytes!
Size of the images with a color display
The screen mode is ST Low (320x200):
- every animation below 320x200 is displayed as is.
- if the width is greater than 320, it is reduced to its half (in
both directions for proportions)
- if the height is greater than 200, only the central part can be
320x240 -> only lines from 20 to 219 are displayed
640x400 -> reduced to 320x200
640x480 -> reduced to 320x240 and only lines from 20 to
219 are displayed
Finally, every animation up to 640x??? is accepted.
Size of the images with a Monochrome Display
The screen mode is ST High (640x400):
- every animation below 640x400 is displayed as is.
- if the height is greater than 400, the central part is displayed
Particular cases:
* DL animations are always doubled on the screen
* when converting an anim to FLM, if its size is below 320x200, it
is doubled.
Palette reduction (not in monochrome)
There are only 16 colors available on a ST(E). So, if the the
animation has 16 colors, you'll get them, if more you'll get 16 grey
levels. But, if the animation has 256 colors, you can try to reduce the
palette to get a color display (when this option is available, you get
an up arrow displayed into the 'Go!' button).
To do this, you must use the Shift key while clicking on the 'Go!'
button, the analysis begins: all the frames are read and the number of
colors actually used is displayed.
Those informations are saved and will remain available as long as
you don't run another analysis.
Then, you must run again the animation with Shift + 'Go!' and,
after a short delay (computing the new palette), you get your COLOR
You can combine, at the second 'Go!', the effects of Shift and Alt
to save a FLM file with colors!
Accepted formats for palette reduction are:
Limitations of the Shareware version
MOV, AVI and GIF maker
The animations created with MP_STE will contain a grey palette
when using the unregistered version. This is not really a limit if you use
those animations on the ST, because anyway, they are displayed in grey.
But if you want to export your work on another machine with a
higher display (Falcon, TT, PC, MAC), only the registered version will
allow you to get colored animations.
FLM Maker
When you create a FLM from a serie of Degas/NEO images, you get a
grey palette with the unregistered version.
Extended FLM with sound/AVI/MOV/FLI conversions
MP_STE defines a new FLM format with timing infos and sound to get
high speed animations on a ST(E), the FLM format is ST Low or ST High
according to the current display.
You can convert any supported MOV/AVI/FLI/FLC/FLH to FLM keeping
its synchro and sound. If you are using the unregistered version, you
won't be able to save the sound into the FLM (only the images with the
Palette reduction
In the demo version, you can't get colors with the 256 colors
animations, you must register to get this option.
Where to find the last version?
On the WEB:
http://perso.wanadoo.fr/gtello ('official' page)
FTP site:
'The BBS' in Paris-France (01 42 51 11 35)
Names are MPSTExxx.ZIP (STE, xxx is the version number) and
MPLYRxxx.ZIP (TT/Falcon).